Phase/interface control: With precise measurement of suspended solids, you can set an exact cut-point and optimise the transition between phases, giving you highly repeatable process control. This saves money by, for example, speeding up change times and reducing plant downtime, reducing waste treatment costs by reducing the amount of product diverted, and reducing water consumption. For more detail, see the application note for phase or interface transition.
Total solids monitoring: Because there’s a strong relationship between suspended solids and total solids, Quadbeam’s suspended solids sensors allow you to measure actual real-time total solids concentration. This can also alert you to events like water or air slugs, which may have been caught in manifolds between tanks or silo switching, which cause sudden drops in solids concentrations.
Separator control: Monitoring feed lines with a Quadbeam sensor allows you to divert excessive solids concentrations so they don’t clog the separator, and discover process control improvements to prevent future concentration spikes. Monitoring centrate and concentrate lines allows you to improve separator performance. For example, in nozzle-style separators, sensors in the concentrate output provide feedback which can be used to automatically control the input through the feed line to achieve your output target for white mass concentration. For more detail, see the application note for separator control.
Loss monitoring: Using Quadbeam sensors, combined with flow measurements, allows actual solids lost to be calculated. This allows immediate responses to losses to stop them getting worse, and it allows data tracking and analysis to detect trends and possible improvements in process control. Real-time monitoring also allows inflow to be switched to a “calamity tank”, diverting significant spikes in solids concentration so they can be fed back in later at a controlled rate. For more detail, see the application note for loss monitoring.
Solids carry-over: In nozzle-style separators, a Quadbeam sensor in the whey line will alert operators to any suspended solids carrying over from the separator into the whey line. This allows you to identify losses, nozzle-plugging or other process control issues, and implement solutions or improvements to prevent wastage of valuable products.
CIP control: Because of their greater accuracy, Quadbeam sensors offer multiple opportunities for efficiencies and savings in CIP processes. For example, they can help you to reduce the amount of water you need to use, reduce water treatment costs, reduce energy costs, reduce the amount of chemicals you need to use, recover valuable solids from the first part of the rinse, reduce water usage by re-using rinse water, and reduce production downtime and increase uptime. For more detail, including an explanation of these savings, see the application note for CIP control.
For help or to find out more
If you want to discuss your installation or have another question, or just want to find out more, contact us. You can also see our full product range here, and access data sheets, manuals, and technical information.